Friday, July 9, 2010

:::This Past Year:: Research::

It's been a year since I have graduated from Art school. Just like most graduates I was working hard towards finding the right job that would be a entry into my passion as window dresser but as we all know the economy is not in anyone's favor. Therefore, I found myself working 2 part-time jobs in which one was at the "Happiest Place on Earth". I had an amazing experience with working with a independent shoppe inside the castle. I wasn't doing my dream job but I was close enough. On my days off I would wonder around the park finding interesting window displays and document them. Here are a few images from my moments inside the park: enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I love thi blog! It's so pretty to look at and read!! (I'm a big nerd, I know). Your window displays are so lovely.
